Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Am I born lucky?

 A few months ago I was attending a training in Kansas City when a participant asked if she could read my astrology for free. I was perplexed but agreed to the unusual request. She wrote pertinent information to determine my astrology chart and then blurted out with excitement "I knew you were lucky - your chart indicates your were born lucky." 


Now I have had my share of 'luck' but never pinpointed it to being born lucky. For example,  after the training seminar I headed back to the airport and when I arrived decided to use the restroom. In the restroom I placed my wallet with all my ID's and money near the bathroom stall. I then left the stall and went for dinner as my plane wasn't boarding for an hour and half. About an hour later I realized that my wallet was missing and remembered I placed it in the bathroom of this very busy airport. So I preceded to retrace my steps and found my wallet and ID untouched in the bathroom stall. 


Then a few weeks later I was heading to the airport again and parked at a park n fly parking lot. As I was rushing to take my bags out of the car I forgot to shut the drivers side of the window. Seven days later I arrive back to my car only to notice that the drivers side of the window was left all the way down and nothing was touched.

Today though solidified this astrology luck bordering on a bit of a miracle experience. I had to drive my car to the mechanic for a tune up so I decided to bicycle to work. At 4:30 pm I preceded to bicycle back to the mechanic during standard rush hour time. I was bicycling in the middle lane on Grand Avenue in Portland Oregon with traffic on both sides of me. As I was picking up speed I heard the sound of my Iphone hitting the ground behind me. I quickly swerved to the right lane and onto the side of the road. The light was green so I watched in horror as my Iphone layed on the ground of oncoming traffic and one by one cars passed over my Iphone. I counted a total of 15 cars that went over my Iphone with me cringing on the sideline with every passing car. As the light turned red I ran out to the road to grab what was left of my Iphone and to my amazement luck had struck me again. The Iphone didn't have a scratch on it. All 15 cars managed to drive over the Iphone without every touching the Iphone. I raced to my mechanic with eagerness to share this incredible story. In fact I was so amazed by this ordeal that I kept wishing I had a phone to take a picture of the incident but in fact my phone was laying on the ground experiencing 15 new lives. 



So am I born lucky? I am not sure but I do know that wonderful coincidences show up all the time in my life. I do know that everyday I wake up and say to myself 'How lucky I am' and 'How blessed I am to be living such a wonderful life' so perhaps luck is created by the intentions I perpetuate daily. 

Finding the funds in life require you to first believe that there are funds there. It is no different then me believing I am lucky. Understanding the law of attraction is trying to rationalize the possibilities in life but believing in the law of attraction is bringing those possibilities to fruition.


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